TWA provides the optimal environment for your child’s social and academic development. Our program is based on academic research that states children experience the deepest, most genuine learning when they are having fun.
The program focuses on academic, social, creative and child-centered development to provide a well-rounded experience and ensure children become confident, joyful and fully prepared students.
- Offering a wide range of enriching activities to meet the individual needs of each child
- Focusing on building each child’s emotional, social, cognitive and physical skills
- Offering multi-cultural and developmentally appropriate materials and equipment
- Complying with Quality Assurance Reviews and parent surveys conducted by GSI
- Supporting the professional development of teachers through early childhood education training
- Offering open communication with families in an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect
At the heart of TWA’s educational philosophy is the firm belief that all students can become successful learners and that there are no predetermined limits to what students can accomplish at any age.
Pupils come to TWA with varying intelligences, abilities, passions and skills. Curricular units are carefully designed to engage students with a variety of learning styles.
A broad range of materials, activities, approaches, and interconnected learning opportunities encourages each student to discover and develop his or her own strengths. Students are also taught to recognise those areas where they may need to review in order to master required skills and content.
TWA constantly monitors, analyses, and refines all aspects of teaching and learning. The result is a “living” curriculum that evolves to accommodate teaching methods and topics for all years.