Children learn best when they are active participants in what they are studying. At Thinking Words Academy we harness our pupils’ natural curiosity and engage them in varied and challenging lessons. Our objectives are not simply to ensure that your child is bilingual in English and French. A British education creates open-minded, creative and well-prepared individuals. Your child will learn from first-hand experience, not just text books. They will be encouraged to be creative in their thinking and they are expected to work hard every day. Learn more about the British System.

Ages 2 – 5 | Pre-Nursery to Reception Young children learn through exploration. Everything they do, from kicking a ball, building with blocks and painting, to singing in a group, is done in English and it is designed to help them understand their environment. Sometimes it gets messy, but it’s always rewarding and develops them socially, mentally and physically.

Ages 5 – 7 | School years 1 – 2 A more structured approach to the day helps children to start learning how to read, write and count in English. We still encourage children to explore and play, but they are able to describe their discoveries in words and numbers.
Ages 7 – 11 | School years 3 – 6 Children are naturally curious. In Junior school we encourage them to learn about things that interest them while consolidating their numeracy and literacy skills. We teach children how to apply these basic skills to other subject areas – such as Science, Art and History.

Ages 11 – 15 | School years 7 – 9 As children get older we teach them to think more critically. They learn how to investigate, test and think about things rationally.
Ages 15 – 16 | School years 12 – 13 Classes are more focused on formal “subject based” learning. Nine or ten IGCSE exams are taken at the end of this stage in different subjects.

Ages 16 – 18 | School Year 12 – 13 / A Level The final two years at school mark the beginning of adulthood. Pupils make choices and work hard during these years that prepare them for university and then the start of their careers. Once pupils have finished their IGCSEs they choose three or four A Level exams – which are accepted by universities around the world.